Return to referer URL

Validator calls

Path Message Invalid value Violation
data.senderPhoneNumber This value should have exactly 12 characters.
"0720 458 04"
0 of 0
Symfony\Component\Validator\ConstraintViolation {#2072 -message: "This value should have exactly 12 characters." -messageTemplate: "This value should have exactly {{ limit }} character.|This value should have exactly {{ limit }} characters." -parameters: [ "{{ value }}" => ""0720 458 04"" "{{ limit }}" => "12" ] -plural: 12 -root: Symfony\Component\Form\Form {#1392 name: "app_bundle_way_bill_form" type_class: "App\Form\WayBillForm" data: App\Entity\WayBill {#1043 -id: null -senderName: "LIZZ" -senderPhoneNumber: "0720 458 04" -receiverName: "JANE KITHUKA" -receiverPhoneNumber: "0710 652 045" -fromStation: null -toStation: App\Entity\Station {#1561 …} -createdAt: null -createdBy: null -transaction: App\Entity\Transaction {#1523 …} -parcels: Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection {#1044 …} -isCollected: null -isReceived: null -receivedBy: null -organization: App\Entity\Organization {#1084 …} -collectedParcel: null -receivedAt: null -percelCount: null -longitude: null -latitude: null -parcelValue: 400 } } -propertyPath: "data.senderPhoneNumber" -invalidValue: "0720 458 04" -constraint: Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\Length {#1976 …} -code: "4b6f5c76-22b4-409d-af16-fbe823ba9332" -cause: null }